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Keep your Home Safe While You're Away with These 5 Tips

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Are you planning your next big family vacation? Maybe you’re traveling for business, or need to be away from home for a few days. Although we don't like to think about the possibility of our home being damaged or burglarized while we're away, it's something to consider to ensure that it stays safe - and in one piece for your return.

Check out our five tips for ensuring that your home is safe while you're away.

  • Be sure to check all outlets before you leave. This may sound like a no-brainer, but checking all of the electrical outlets before you leave your home is a must. If you leave something that creates heat plugged in, like a curling iron or coffee pot, it could result in a fire. Taking a few minutes to do a once-over before you leave to ensure that all appliances are unplugged before you leave will give you peace of mind.

  • Lock all doors and all windows, even the ones that you don't think are easily accessible. One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is not checking all of their doors and windows before they leave. You want to be sure to check even the doors that you don't think are accessible from the outside - like the doors to your home from your attached garage, and other internal entrance points, like from your basement to your main level. This will ensure that you have various levels of protection in the event of a break in.

  • If you normally leave the blinds open, do so. You want to leave things looking as normal as possible, and not leave any reason for passersby to think that you're gone. Keep your home safe by leaving some blinds open to give people the impression that someone is still in the home.

  • Stop the mail for the time period that you're gone. Like we mentioned in the previous tip, you want to give the impression that you're still home. If passersby see that your mailbox is bursting at the seams, they might get the idea that you're gone, which is exactly what you want to avoid. Stop your mail delivery for the time period that you're gone, so that you don't have to worry about people becoming suspicious.

  • Insure your home properly. With proper home insurance, you can travel in peace. Be sure to talk with Indigo Springs Insurance about the right coverage for your home.

Now go enjoy a much-needed vacation!